The Lake George Land Conservancy safeguards the water quality of Lake George and the surrounding watershed by protecting:

• Undeveloped lake shoreline
• Wetlands and stream corridors
• Upland intact forest communities
• Rare, threatened, and endangered species
• Scenic vistas

A small bird with brown and white feathers and a long, slender bill is standing in a field of yellow flower buds and green grass.

Critical land protection is accomplished through:

• Direct acquisition (purchase and/or donation) of land in fee
• Direct acquisition (purchase and/or donation) of conservation easements
• Sound science and effective stewardship

A swamp with water lilies and some dead trees. The water lilies are in full bloom, and their bright green color contrast with the dark and murky water. Green trees are visible in the distance.


Aerial view of South Basin. Lots of greenery and a large body of water.

South Basin Initiative

Protecting land in the south basin has tremendous benefits for the water quality of Lake George…

View of Indian Brook. Water is flowing towards foreground and running over a fallen log.

Indian Brook & Northwest Bay Conservation Initiative

The Indian Brook and Northwest Bay Conservation Initiative focuses on protecting…

View of the Northeast Shoreline. Ther are small boats on the water with a green mountain view in the background.

Northeastern Shoreline Initiative

The first protection project in Lake George’s northeast region was completed in 1990. We have just protected the final piece…

Strategic Plan

The LGLC recently adopted its current Strategic Plan for 2024-2029.

This plan, which is a working document, can be viewed below. We welcome your feedback. Please email our Executive Director or call 518-644-9673.

About Us

Protecting the land that protects the lake since 1988. The Lake George Land Conservancy is an accredited not-for-profit land trust dedicated to working with willing landowners and other partners to protect the world-renowned water quality of Lake George and to permanently preserve the natural, scenic, historical and recreational resources of the Lake George Region.

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